Crypto Algo Trading Software Provider

PlatinX is the leading Crypto Algo Asset Trading provider
PlatinX uses an in-house computer program that follows a defined set of instructions to place a trade. These are done through computer software at a speed which is not possible for human trader. Crypto market is highly volatile and the prices can change dramatically within seconds. Crypto exchanges allow 24*7 trading options all over the world. This play very important role in crypto asset trading. However, investors are incapable of responding and acting according to the minute price changes. And there is time factor also as one cannot stick to the market whole day.
This is where our Algorithmic Crypto Asset Trading services comes in. We do the trading with automated software. We process live-market data from a number of supported exchanges. Trading of crypto is done on automated trading rules such as technical indicators or statistical arbitrage with simultaneous trading of pairs on multiple exchanges. Our software computerises the examination and explanation of market statistics. There is low risk as the software is competent and there is no human factor based decisions.


Some of the key highlights of our CryptoAlgo Trading Service –

  • 1. Execution of large orders via pre-built execution instructions
  • 2. Automated crypto market making
  • 3. Arbitrage trading between multiple crypto exchanges
  • 4. Automated rebalancing of crypto portfolios with liquidity management
  • 5. Encryption of API Keys
  • 6. Support for Exchange and Margin Trade
  • 7. Simultaneous trading of crypto pairs on multiple exchanges