Customised Crypto Options

Your one-stop for Customised Crypto Options for Crypto Asset Firms
Corporate entities prefer to trade options that are specifically built for them. Through our customised crypto options, we provide a better match than many listed products on exchanges available in the crypto ecosystem. We configure strategies by adjusting strike price, maturities and quantities to achieve the desired payoff objectives.
Another factor we work upon is removing the emotional sentiment and other non-economic factors while eliminating the volatility and limiting market exposure. PlatinX offers the facility of Put and Call which can be bought, sold or margined and settled in fiat or crypto assets.
Through our customised crypto options we provide Trade Swaps, Trade Protective Puts for investors who want to benefits from the negative price movement or who want to limit downward side price exposure respectively. We also provide Trade Call Overwrites where selling high strike calls yield’s the options premium from the sale as a payment to counter pay.
PlatinX provides tailor made options for crypto firms who are in nascent stage as well as established ones. PlatinX will help you develop solutions from scratch or customize existing solutions with features and integrations.


    The solutions provided are –

  • 1. Custom crypto development
  • 2. P2P Lending Blockchain Platform
  • 3. Initial Coin Offering
  • 4. Decentralised exchange development
  • 5. Development of Token platform